research outcome
goal is providing wellbeing of individuals by designing collaborative leisure system

concept description
"friluftsliv spot"
open-air living
usage definition
A place to:
sit, rest, eat, talk, meditate, think, share
Thesia is designed as a quick breathing spot in the city for escaping from a chaotic environment and embracing the calmness of natural elements that people missed.
The design is inspired by Scandinavian tradition named "friluftsliv". This tradition allows people to clear their minds by experiencing the nature however they want.
fixed seat surrounded by movable panels in two rails
-circular from that enhances the feeling of unity with the natural elements
-defined usage that allows yoga & meditation at the event state
-movement that creates different space perceptions
-exterior that is coherent with the interior
-defined plant holder according to plants
-movable panels create several positions
design for sharing

Each Thesia unit two type of panels that are sliding onto two different rail. Each Panel is shaped like a 1/8 of a circle to create various positions. Some of the positions are shown here.

Position 1 is a compact form that panels stand together as close as possible.
Position 2 is a form that panels stand sequential to create a half closed half opened unit.
Position 3 is a event form that panels surround the inner area to create more privacy and embracement to the users.

Some of the positions is shown here. Due to the form of the unit, various positions can be created by relocating the panels. Moreover, panels can be perform as sun blinders to.

Residents can move the panel together to create a more open area.
Users pull or push the panels by grabbing it from the supports to relocate them to the positions that are needed.

Residents sit to the seating units and spend time inside the Thesia to reattach to nature and feel the calmness and peace together.
Users pull the wrapped yoga mat and place it to the ground. Yoga mat is attached to the tube at the end. After the event, mat is wrapped around the tube.
Some residents doing scheduled yoga sessions inside the Thesia unit. Placement of the panels provide more privacy.
a quick breathing spot

Panels are placed symmetrically around a circular bottom rails and they have a form to enhance the feeling of embracement. User can be surrounded by the nature due to placement of the plant holders. Each Thesia unit contains four panels. Panels move around onto the bottom rail with the support of upper rail. Upper rail provide more stability to the domed form and helps the circular movement of the structure. Each shelf is design to the specific needs. Lighting units are placed at the top shelf of the panels. Placement of the lighting units does not harm the plants while they providing to the users needed light.

Upper Rail Detail

Bottom Rail Detail

Seating unit has a 6-8 people capacity and allows to the users different sitting positions due to the height differences. It has a form that follows the usage scenario and units's form. It is supported by metal tube that is placed underneath of the sitting surface. Yoga mat is wrapped around the metal tube.